Training and Informal Match at Ulceby on Sunday March 20th 2022

Our first Training and Informal Match Day, by kind permission of Phil Odling and the Dexford Shoot, was enjoyed by a good number of members, who needed to be well wrapped up against the cold wind!

We thank our trainers and judges Dave Haycock, Charlie Albone, Julie Campbell, Sue Lowe and Mike Birchall.

After a good morning’s training, there were four tests in the afternoon. The distances for the retrieves were greater the more experienced the group.

Test 1.  A dummy thrown into the cover crop followed by one in the same place.  For the more experienced dogs, the second retrieve was a blind.

 Test 2.  For the pups, it was two short marks.  Novice 1 dogs’ mark was 10 yards further back, followed by a blind in a gap in hedge.  Novice 2 had to pick the blind first. The Open dogs mark was thrown into rough grass.

 Test 3 was a double mark.  The Pups marks were a very short distance away and the handler decided which was to be picked first.  Novice 1 had the same retrieves, just a bit further back.  Novice 2 picked the first one down first, as did the Open dogs.  For novice 2 and open, the dummies were thrown into the rough grass on edge of the field.

 Test 4 was a two dog walk up with marks to left and right.  The dog on the right picked the dummy on the left and the left side dog completed the crossing retrieves.  After walking on and two more dummies being thrown, the dogs picked the straight retrieves, the dog on the left going first.

It was a short walk for the Pups then the judge threw dummy. Both dog and handler walked back to the start and the handler sent the pup for the dummy.



1st        Vicki Strawson with Wren
2nd       Sarah Briggs-Young with Oakley
3rd        Sue Rodgers with Signy

Novice 1

1st        Tom Unwin with Ben
2nd       Gwen Finch with Max
3rd        Josh Wright with Goose

Novice 2

1st        Andy Sweeney with Drummer
2nd       Ellie Stubbins with Teasle


1st        Chris Johnson  with Oscar
2nd       Martin Abbott with Moss
3rd        Alison Cook with Kia