Training and Informal Match at Atterby on Saturday April 30th 2022

It was sunbathing weather at Atterby on Saturday so our dogs appreciated having a swim in the reservoir and the handlers looked on enviously.  We are grateful to Mr Margrave and his Keeper for allowing us to use the ground for our training day.

 Our trainers for the morning session were Sue Lowe (open dogs), Julie Campbell (novice) and Gilly Bell (puppy) and they judged the three tests of the informal match in the afternoon.  Thanks to them and the helpers.

 For the informal match, as usual the more experienced the group, the longer the retrieves.

Test 1 was a mark and a blind placed in the same place, though the puppies had two marks.

Test 2 was at the water.  There was a mark on the track and then one in the water for the puppies.  For Novice I and Novice 2, both dummies were out at the same time and the open dogs retrieve along the track was a blind, picked first.

Test 3 was a double mark in a grass field, the first one thrown to the handlers left and the second to the right.  The puppies picked the first mark before the second was thrown.  Novice 1 retrieved the second dummy down first and Novice 2 and Open dogs picked the first one down first.



1st Chris Johnson with Ivy and Sara Briggs-Young with Oakley

2nd Max Greasman with Lily

3rd Jane Lidster with Bertie

 Novice 1

1st Tom Unwin with Ben

2nd Jane Pilling with Fern

3rd Emma Drewitt with Zeus

 Novice 2

1st Jane Lidster with Poppy

2nd Vicki Strawson with Wren

3rd Gwen Finch with Max


1st Martin Abbott with Moss

2nd Penny Marriner with Skye

3rd Lucinda Southern with Roy