Intermediate Working tests at Raithby on Saturday April 9th 2022

The test was held at Hall Farm Raithby by kind permission of Mr Robert and Mr Alistair Hall-Jones.  Our judges were Dave Haycock (A) and Steve Cullis (A) and Chief Steward  was Sue Lowe.  We thank them and, of course, the helpers who made it possible to run the tests.

There were four tests

Test 1 was a double mark in a grass field.  The first dummy down was picked first. 

Test 2 was a mark and blind.  The mark was thrown out first into a white grass area.  The blind was near a fallen tree just outside a wooded area.  The blind was picked first. 

Test 3 was on the bank of the reservoir.  Facing away from the water a blind was placed in rough cover down the bank on the left hand side and a very long mark was thrown across the cover to a drilled area of a field coming out from the side of a wood.  The dogs had to pick the blind first. 

Test 4 was on the opposite side of the reservoir.  Along the bank was a seen retrieve followed by a blind placed in the same place.  


 1st        Tarnedge Condore      handled by Mrs C Carvis**

2nd       Glenfia Skipper***      handled by Mrs L Carr  

3rd        Geordieland Tilly         handled by R Warner

4th        Wellbray Salah            handled by Mrs L Carr

**awarded the Ortolan Shield

***awarded the Ortolan trophy for the youngest dog in awards