Special Puppy, Puppy, Veteran and Junior Handler Working Tests at Raithby on Sunday 16 May 2022

Special Puppy, Puppy, Veteran and Junior Handler Working Tests at Raithby on Sunday 16 May 2022

Our thanks to Robert and Alistair Hall-Jones for allowing us to use this lovely ground.  There are several areas of different terrain, but we chose the grassland and plough and two large ponds close to the farmyard for our tests.  We also thank Skinners Field and Trial for sponsoring our working tests.

Paula Cullis and Julie Campbell were our brilliant judges.  The handlers appreciated that they took time to advise and suggest training exercises after a test was complete.  Our thanks to them and our Chief Steward, Sue Lowe.

The puppies and special puppies did four tests in the morning and the veterans and Junior Handler did similar tests in the afternoon.  The distances for puppies were greater than those for special puppies.  The veteran and Junior Handler tests were the same and retrieves were longer than in the morning.  A starting pistol was used for marks except for special puppies.

Test 1  was a mark and a blind in the same place.  The dummy for all the puppies was stood on end so that it could be seen.

Test 2  was a water test with two marks.  A memory mark was thrown into grass along the side of the pond to the left of the handler.  Special puppies collected a mark in the water first, puppies a mark just over the pond and veterans and Junior Handler a mark into reeds about twenty yards beyond the pond.

Test 3  was again a water mark and a mark or blind along the edge of the water.

Test 4 was a short walk up for special puppies with two marks.  Puppies did a two dog walk up.  Two marks were thrown.  The right dog picked the mark to the right and the dog on the left the dummy to the left.  The dogs changed round and the marks were repeated.  It was a mark to the left and a blind to the right for the older dogs.

A run off was needed to decide second and third in the veterans.  It was a blind in the trees to the left about fifty yards along a track.


Special puppy

1st           Byron May                                          LDR B     handled by Chris Johnson*

2nd          Claruno Rhodes                                   LDR B     handled by Jess Burrows

3rd           Rimrock Victory                                  LDR D    handles by Sara Briggs-Young

4th           Echo Fuzz at Brackreef                        LDR D    handled by Katie Capps

*awarded the Fleetbank Shield



1st           Abbottsmere High Flyer                      LDR D    handled by Godfrey Lowe**

2nd                Fosterwold Esme                            LDR B     handled by Sandra Ellis

**awarded the Melnola Shield

The Lincolnshire Shield for Novice Handler was awarded to Max Gresham



1st           Cherry B Lady                                     LBR B     handled by Penny Marriner***

2nd          Woodfinch Fortissimo                           GR B      handled by Paul Williams

3rd           Wold Newton Black Sasha                    LDR B     handled by Jane Lidster

***awarded The Winston Shield


Junior Handler

1st Erin Westby  running Adansonia Heatwave, awarded the Maragong Shield