Novice Cold Game Working Test at Caythorpe on Sunday 7 August 2022

Mr Richard Ward kindly allowed us to use a huge field of sugar beet and the stubble field alongside.  Because of the lack of rain, the sugar beet was not a lush as usual, but that meant there was more scent for the dogs and the walking was easier!

We thank our judges, Sue Hales-Lowe and Julie Campbell, and our Chief Steward, Martin Eveleigh who also sponsored the event with bags of dog food.

Seventeen dogs competed and all were invited to take part in the first two rounds.  Round one was two straight retrieves, though the birds were thrown at various angles, each heralded by a shot.  The second round was a crossing retrieve.  There were many excellent retrieves in both rounds. 

At the end of the second round, nine dogs remained.  Round three saw all nine dogs in line for a drive.  About twenty birds were thrown some fifty yards from the dogs and left in the beet. 

Two dogs at a time stood in line in round four.  Each had a long blind over a grass verge and into the stubble field. They then turned to the right and picked a bird left from the drive.


1st Cornstraw Drake of Flypatch                LDR D    handled by Tim Brain*

2nd Jogolo Ebony of Abbottsmere              LDR D    handled by Morris Abbott**

3rd Snipe Sister                                       LDR B    handled by Paul Buckenham

4th Klato Isaac of Flypatch                       LDR D    handled by Tim Brain

CoM Thakali Tom Jones                           LDR D    handled by M Morton

*awarded the Ansoncha Shield and a bag of dog food kindly donated by Sarah Skelton for the best retrieve of the day.

**awarded the Wraggmarsh Shield for the highest placed Lincolnshire Area member