Novice Dog/Novice Handler and Intermediate Working Tests at Raithby on Sunday May 23rd 2021
After over a year of waiting, we were, finally, able to hold a Working Test. It was so good to meet up again after the Covid enforced lockdown and, indeed, to welcome a number of new members. The weather was kind to us and we were on the way home before the ‘heavens opened’.
We always enjoy coming to Raithby and we thank Mr R Hall-Jones and Mr A Hall-Jones for allowing us to hold our Test here. Thanks also go to our judges, Julie Campbell and Tom Birchall, our Chief Steward, Sue Lowe and our sponsors, Skinners Foods.
Both groups completed four similar tests, those for the Intermediate dogs being a degree of difficulty harder, and the Intermediates had a final fifth test. Greater distances were involved for the more experienced dogs.
Test 1: was two marks, one on the water and the other along the track alongside the lake. Novice dogs picked the one in the water first and Intermediate dogs retrieved the one along the track first.
Test 2: was a two dog walk up. Each dog had a retrieve in front and then a crossing retrieve.
Test 3: was a picking up exercise. The dummies (three for Novices and four for Intermediates) were placed around a fallen tree trunk in cover at the bottom of the hill. Two dummies had to be retrieved.
Test 4: was a mark into scrub in front of trees followed by a blind in the same place.
Test 5: for the five Intermediates, all in line, was a drive in front, followed by a blind around the corner of the field. The final retrieve was to pick one of the dummies thrown out in the drive.
Novice Dog, Novice Handler
1st Kensteen Soft Whispers of Flomoor LDR B handled by Mrs R Pugh-Lewis*
2nd Garrethall Twist LDR D handled by Miss K Powell
3rd Glenbriar Ardan LDR D handled by Mrs S Davis
4th Turpingreen Ellis LDR D handled by Ms J Blair
Lowsommer Hundon Walk LDR B handled by Mrs P Emms
Mystical May Blossom LDR B handled by Miss S Skelton
Vilenal Captain Farrell LDR D handled by Miss S Barratt
Hanrebor Garnet LDR B handled by Mrs T Bateman
Morning Dew Lass LDR B handled by Mr S Cook
Higgscroft Salis Alba LDR B handled by Mrs P Harkett
*awarded the Lincolnshire Area Shield
1st Hanrebor Black Jack LDR D handled by Mr A Slingsby**
** awarded the Ortolan Shield and the Ortolan Trophy for the Youngest Dog in the Intermediate awards