Special Puppy, Puppy, Veteran and Junior Handler Tests at Claxby on Sunday April 14th 2024

We came to Claxby Grange by kind permission of Andrew and Sarah Lyle.  Our judges were Julie Campbell and Helen Smith and Chief Steward was Sue Hales-Lowe.  Our thanks to all of these, our sponsors Skinners, Sporting Saint and Will Hales and Sue Hales Lowe and all the helpers.

All the dogs had four tests.  The veterans and Junior Handlers completed the same tests.  It was so good to welcome five Junior Handlers to the competition.

Test 1
The Special Pups had a mark to the right and then a mark to left.
Puppies had a double mark, picking the last down first. For the veterans and Junior Handlers, the first dummy down was retrieved first.

Test 2
It was a short mark with a replacement for all the dogs, but at varying distances.

Test 3
Special Puppies had a short walk up with handler and Judge.  A mark was thrown, the handler and dog walked back to the start before the dog was sent.  Another dummy was put out for picking as the dog returned. Puppies did the same test, but over a greater distance.
Veterans and Junior handlers – a mark was thrown over a small dyke through trees and on to a grassy area.  The dogs turned and walked a few steps with the judge. There was blind on a grass track that was to be picked first.  Once this was retrieved, the dog was moved back to be sent for the original mark.

Test 4
For special Puppies, it was a short mark thrown just into cover to right.  As the dog came back, a white topped dummy was placed upright in middle of the track to be retrieved.  Puppies retrieved over a greater distance and had a normal dummy for the track.  Veterans/Junior handlers had a picking up exercise with two dummies out.  A shot was fired before both dummies were collected.

All but the special puppies went on to a water retrieve of appropriate distance.


Special Puppy
1st  Asgarby Essex Gent           handled by Chris Johnson
winning The Fleetbank Shield
2nd Humberflair Claxby            handled by Casper Jonsen
3rd  Griffontee Time Will Tell     handled by Tina Bateman
4th  Christoberry Baileys          handled by Jim Christon

1st  Cleestangate Shadow of Nanclodie          handled by Tom Unwin
winning the Melnola Shield
2nd  Ollersett Duchess             handled by Gary Ellison
3rd  Ingdalehown Zivah            handled by Jane Mayes
winning the Lincolnshire Shield for Novice handler in puppy

1st  Tildaross Byron                           handled by Chris Johnson      
winning the Winston Shield
2nd  Lowsommer Hundon Walk           handled by Phillippa Emms

Junior Handler
1st        Elodie Unwin handling Questeleet Persephone Dee
winning the Maragong Shield
2nd       Ruby Jackson handling Syrtis Kensteen

Lucy Lyle handling Lost in Snow Blizzard Maizie       

Robert Christon handling Christoberry Ocean Colour Cooper                      

Noah Mills handling Kentwone Loving Lavender