This year we were raising money for the Assisted Discharge Stroke Service for Lincolnshire.
Thank goodness the Charity Day wasn’t on the Wednesday when it poured and poured with rain. Instead, on Sunday, after the early morning thick fog, the sun shone and we were able to sit outside gaining a suntan while we enjoyed a superb pork roast.
Our thanks to Mr R Hall-Jones, Martin Reeve and the Mavis Enderby Shoot for allowing us to use this lovely ground with such a great variety of terrain. We would also like to thank Thomas Bell and Sons Ltd and Crawfords Shooting Supplies for sponsoring prizes for our winners.
Our judges for the day were Gill King, Julie Campbell, Gilly Bell, Casper Jonsen and Martin Eveleigh and Sue Lowe was Chief Steward. We were delighted to watch 43 dogs and their handlers pit their wits against 5 tests.
Test 1 was a double mark on the sloping field. To reach the marks, the dogs went through rough grass and scrub. The left hand mark proved to be a tricky retrieve with a number of dogs struggling.
Test 2 was a two dog walk up with the dogs having straight and then crossing retrieves.
Test 3 was a picking up exercise. Four dummies were put out in cover and the dogs had to run down a grass field and then up to the cover to pick two dummies. Most dogs negotiated these manoeuvres successfully.
Test 4 was a mark into water and a blind along the bank with cover to the left and down to the corner of the wood. The water mark itself was done well, though a number of dogs had a shake before reaching the handler.
Test 5 was a mark in a shallow pond thirty yards from the handler, followed by a blind more or less behind. Open dogs had to go over a stream to rough ground beyond.
For each retrieve, open dogs had longer retrieves than novice dogs.
There was a run off for third place in the novice section. Handlers had to send their dogs along a track; stop the dog near a marker and then send it right through cover for a blind.
1st Dalesprings Black Orchid LDR B handled by Mrs S Corden*
2nd Laurinco Red Flame of Hollowgate LDR D handled by Janette Sayer
3rd Kelmagra Ace of Owmbywold LDR D handled by Mike Birchall
1st Kendeci Severn LDR D handled by Chris Johnson**
2nd Manorhouse Ludo LDR D handled by Mike Godson
3rd Dobson Prince of Thieves LDR D handled by T Dobson
CoM Raggpath Beauty LDR B handled by Mike Capindale
1st Chewky Feta LBR B handled by Summer Slingsby
2nd Evashards Ruby LDR B handled by Ellie Templeman
*awarded the Gibson Shield
**awarded the ‘Remembering Jim Cochrane’ Shield
But the most important result was that, through the amazing generosity of our members and friends, we raised£1400 for the Assisted Discharge Stroke Service for Lincolnshire! Massive thanks to everyone who helped, entered, donated, bought raffle tickets to raise this stunning total.