Notley All Aged 16th September

The United Retriever Club held a 14 dog All Aged Stake on Saturday 16th September 2023. We were delighted to return to Black Notley Hall in Essex and be hosted by The Black Notley Syndicate, who have been very welcoming to the URC for many years.

The judges were Mrs Glynis Hillier, Mr Rodger Ketley, Mr Mick Elsey and Mrs Jackie Smith. Many thanks to them, and also for their fine shooting throughout the day, grateful thanks go to The Black Notley Guns. And special thanks to Mr Mike Lawrence (our URC Essex Area Chairman and Field Trial Representative), who worked so hard in the weeks beforehand, ensuring that we all enjoyed such a successful day.

Members of the URC Essex Area Committee who kindly gave up their time to attend and help on the day were Cathey Elsey, Mari Jackson, David Topfield, Alison Scutcher, Frederick Rice and Roy Tomlinson.

It was a very warm day with only a light breeze, and consequently low scent conditions. Head Keeper, Mr Danny Breeze, provided well presented birds for the guns, with a steady flow of game throughout the three drives. The first two drives took place over fields of long grass, hedgerows and ditches. Five dogs progressed through to the third and fourth rounds on a stubble field, and at the conclusion of the trial, just two remained.

The results were as follows:

The Murrayhill Perpetual Rosebowl and The Ossie Cup were awarded to the winner: Swiftlands Briar, owned and handled by Ellena Nunneley.

2nd. Bancyboblen Whisper, owned and handled by Lindsay Hudson.

The Morinda Cup for Guns’ Choice; and The Twilla Trophy for the best retrieve of the day were awarded to Braitoft Swiftsure of Tideshot, owned and handled by Kelvin Smith - following a fabulous retrieve: when approached at its original fall area, the bird flew up, flew on, and was then picked from its second fall area.

It was a very good day to be in the gallery, and enjoy watching such excellent dog work in very testing conditions. Many congratulations to those in the awards from everyone at URC.