Award winners and judges
The United Retriever Club held a 14 dog Novice stake on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at Hy Fly, by kind permission of Mr Graham Holden and Mr Steve Crookes’ Team of Guns.
Our judges for the day were Mr David Haycock, Mrs Jill Gardner, Mrs Sarah Winter and Mr Gary Collier; many thanks to them for giving their time and expertise. Also, grateful thanks to the team of Guns for supporting the trial. Special thanks go to Mr Steve Crookes (our URC North Midlands Area Chairman and Field Trial Representative) who worked hard to organise the trial beforehand, ensuring a very successful and enjoyable day. And of course, particular thanks to members of the URC North Midlands Area Committee, who gave up their time to support the day by stewarding, game carrying and picking up: Elaine Welburn, Anne Crookes, Lesley Eden and Sue Worrall.
The first three rounds were walked up in thick fodder beet. Conditions were very challenging; dogs and handlers also had to cope with four seasons in one day: very warm sun, cloud with gusty breeze, and several prolonged heavy showers. Eight dogs went into Round 2, and six into Round 3. The final two rounds took place after a duck drive on a stubble field, and at the announcement of trial over, just two dogs remained. The awards were as follows:
The Froud Memorial Trophy to the winner, Gibbolt Enchanterous of Aggsdale, owned and handled by Andrew Sharp. Also awarded to Andrew,The Monty Carter Memorial Tankard for Guns’ Choice.
2nd Cheesecake Artillery, owned by The Duchess of Devonshire and handled by John Halsted.
Many congratulations to those in the awards from everyone at URC; and a special mention for the worthy winner, running in only his second field trial!

The winner Gibbolt Enchanterous of Aggsdale, owned and handled by Andrew Sharp

In the beat

Some competitors

The judges