The award winners
The United Retriever Club held its third Novice Stake of the season on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at Inpark Farm, Dorset, by kind permission of Mr Robert Atkinson and Family.
Our judges were Ms Sara Chichester, Mr Craig Perry, Mrs Margaret Allen and Ms Henrie Fletcher; many thanks to them for their time and expertise. We were given a very warm welcome by the Atkinson family; thanks to Steward of the Beat Mr Martin Atkinson, and to other Atkinson family members and friends who were our Guns for the day.
Special thanks to Judy Venables (our URC Hampshire and South West Area Chairman), and Committee member Shane King, who both worked hard in the weeks beforehand to ensure that we all enjoyed a very successful day. Members of the URC Hants and SW Area Committee who kindly gave up their time to attend on the day and help were Rob Tripp, Lee Dunn and Fen D’Lucie. Additionally, members of the URC Parent Body Committee: Caron Chattwood, Stuart Allmark and our Chief Steward, Jennie Dimmock.
The first two rounds took place following a duck drive over cover of rough grassland, reed beds and woodland. The following three rounds were walked up across undulating farmland, with retrieves picked from a variety of different cover: grass fields and hedges, fodder beet, wheat and maize. Consequently, dogs and handlers were thoroughly tested throughout a very challenging day. At the announcement of trial over, just three dogs remained. The results were as follows:
1st. The Mountain Challenge Cup was awarded to the winner:
Suthcharic Roux - bred, owned and handled by Sue Berman.
2nd. Peterspond Wader - bred, owned and handled by Karen Handley.
COM. Holway Spindle - bred, owned and handled by Robert Atkinson.
The Sundials Tankard for Guns’ Choice was awarded to:
Studebaker Dee Type - bred, owned and handled by Mary Jane Opie
Many congratulations to the very worthy award winners from everyone at URC.

The judges conferring

Waiting with the judge