The winning combination
The second Novice Stake was held on Wednesday 18 October at Fairfields Farm, Nounsley, Essex, by kind permission of Mr Keith Weir. The judges were Glynis Hillier, Dave Barnes, Josefine van der Dussen and Arthur Cook. The Chief Steward was the URC Vice President Graham Stanley.
The first drive consisted mainly of partridges falling on a stubble field, with very little scent, they proved difficult to find and although the second drive saw mainly pheasants shot, they were falling in thick cover crop and with persistent rain making scenting even more difficult, we saw several failures, including a three dog eye wipe.
Five dogs went through to a final drive of partridges on stubble and although one dog ran in on a very tempting bird, the other four had a final retrieve each before the judges closed their books. This season for the second time, the competitor who arrived at the last minute, having been caught up in traffic, won the trial.
1st, Hollowgate Red Flush of Moorarch, LRD, Lewis Butler*
2nd, Mitforton Nutmeg, LRB, Mike Fleming
3rd, Lilleburne Freedance Fee, GRB, Catherine Munn
4th, Beech Macaroon, LRD, Peter Childs
*Winner of the Taurgo Quaich, the Braeduke Cup for best yellow Labrador, & the Twilla Trophy for best retrieve of the day.
Award winners and judges

Our host Keith Weir and crew

The final four

The judges, Arthur Cook, Josefine van der Dussen, Glynis Hillier and Dave Barnes.