The United Retriever Club Area Finals 2017 is sponsored by |
The Team Results

1st. Winner of the Anglia Cup Midland Area (343 points)

2nd. Lincolnshire Area (340 points)

3rd. Hampshire and South West Area (339 points)

4th. Border Counties and Cotswold Area (331 points)
The Individual Awards

Winner of the Atherbram Cup Carol Probert's LRB Turpingreen Acuna of Corsemalzie (Highest Placed Individual) with our hostess Mrs James

Winner of the Shooting Times Trophy Jane Manley's LRD Lenyam Just in Time (Individual Runner Up)

Winner of the HW Froud Trophy Carol Probert's LRB Turpingreen Acuna of Corsemalzie (Highest Placed andler running in Area Finals for first time)

Winner of the Casleton Trophy Richard King's LRD FT Ch Saxaphone Brownale of Lincswolds (Highest Placed Host Area Team Member)
The 2017 Area Finals was held on 9 July 2017 at Grove Well Farm, Well near Alford Lincolnshire by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs J James and hosted by the Lincolnshire Area.
The judges were Richard Beckerleg, John Day, Daniel Higgs, Phil Smithies and Lincs Area Chairman, Sue Lowe.
The ground offered considerable variety ranging from parkland to woods and hills (only the south of the county is flat!). The organisers decided, on the grounds of safety, not to use the attractive lake because of the excessive weed both under and on the surface; however handlers were invited to use the clear parts of the lake to cool their dogs on what developed into a very warm day.
After the usual introductions there were five tests for the teams to tackle, including a mixture of marks and blinds, a mock drive, a walk up and a couple of jumps. On each test, the teams worked together on their designated retrieves. After a short refreshment break, each team was invited to nominate one member to attempt one further test to earn bonus points for their team. All the judges worked together on this test. Once the marks were added up, three dogs were on the same total in second place, so a run off was required to decide on the winner of the runner up trophy.
Everyone then enjoyed an abundant barbecue, folloed by varied delicious puddings, after which the results were announced and everyone involved was thanked. Special thanks went to VetSpec, Mr P Odling and Mr and Mrs K Parker for generously sponsoring the day and to the Show Committee of the URC for sponsoring the rosettes. The raffle raised nearly £150, with the proceeds going to the Lincs and Notts. Air Ambulance.
The host for 2018 will be the Midland Area.