Novice Cold Game Test Boughton 28.3.16

Midlands URC Novice Cold game test Monday 28th March 2016 held at the Boughton Estate Northamptonshire by kind permission of Buccleuch Estates with lots of help from the Head Game Keeper, Graham Osbourne

Results 1st      Flashmount Wrannock  Philip Bishop
                      (winning The Tinebrooke Shield)
            2nd     Olivestone Tuttifruti  Steve Newitt, 
            3rd      Labdom Borage    Clare Woods     
            4th      Arkglas Teva      Ian Major   
            COM    Derrity Basil   Lisa Coates;
            COM    Glanwold Ophelia    Glenn Main 
            COM    Kenquartz Charmed  Leigh Jackson
                       who also won the Roy Wightman Cup for the youngest dog in the awards
A really difficult and testing day for the dogs and handlers with strong winds, sleet, heavy rain and it was bitterly cold in the morning but conditions improved slightly in the afternoon except for the wind, but Phil Bishop’s dog made the tests look easy – a worthy winner!

Thank you to Skinners Dog foods for their continued sponsorship