Photo shows from left; Guy Radford judge, Sally Plant, Ged Leeson, ?, Tim Brain, Simon Truslove, Alison Cook, Chrissie Thomas, Claire Organ Judge, John Barnes, Will Organ Judge, ?, L.Howells.
Sunday 8th July - the Puppy, Novice dog/Novice handler and Veteran tests were held at Wiggs Farm, Ellistown by kind invitation of the Bailey family. The picture shows the award winners and the judges
Judges Mr and Mrs W.Organ and Mr G. Radford.
Chief Steward Andrew Perry. Andrew had set a series of exercises for all the dogs with variations for the different
Novice dog/Novice handler
1st Jealous Noir Mr.L.Howells’ Lab.b.
2nd Kenine Can’t Go Back Chrissie Thomas’ GR d.
3rd Ultima Quattro Mr & Mrs A.Hopkins’ Lab.b. Hdl. Mr.A.Hopkins
4th Welbeck Amber Alison Cook’s Lab.b.
1st Almonds Gus John Barnes’ Lab.d.
2nd Koromas Bracken Mr.P.Owens’ Lab.d.
3rd Shallowbeck Beech of Flypatch Tim Brain’s Lab.d.
4th Ardmuir Pepper Simon Truslove’s Lab.b.
1st Skeffington Fenlander Sally Plant’s Lab.d.
2nd Pintail Hector of Styleside Ged Leeson’s Lab.d.
3rd Styleside Xanadu Ged Leeson’s Lab.d.
4th Ezban Bob Clay’s Lab.d.