The winner Sofia Palmqvist with Lab bitch Roekull Mayas Svarta Stina
URC Novice Trial held at Hall Farm, Shustoke, Warwickshire, by kind permission of Sir Matthew Dugdale and by invitation of Mr Simon Howe. The judges were Gaynor Gent, Tim Brain, Laura Marsh and Steve Newitt.
The weather was bright and sunny in complete contrast to last year, when we endured one of the wettest days of the season at Shustoke. It took just two drives to whittle the field of fourteen dogs down to two, with the dogs putting themselves out. One then fell at the last hurdle, which left one of our Swedish members waiting to learn whether she had done enough to be awarded a first. Her labrador bitch had run a very clean trial, which meant that now, two of our novice trials this season have been won by visitors from Scandinavia.
1st place went to Sofia Palmqvist with Lab bitch Roekull Mayas Svarta Stina
The Guns' Choice was Richard Edwards with Lab bitch Spiralline Chenin Blanc for Lovehayne.

Judges and award winners