Novice Trial Sedbury 26th September
The winner Drakeshead Calico, LRD, with handler Henrik Hansen
The first Novice trial of the season was held at Sedbury on Wednesday 26 September by kind permission of our host Colin Markey and generous support of the Guns who shot superbly. Our thanks go to Colin and his team for putting on an excellent day with particular thanks to Steward of the Beat, Sean Lee, for keeping us all in order. Our judges were Steve Ashby, Karen McCarthy, Simon Hagain and Nigel Probert, who agreed that they had an easy task, as dogs put themselves out.
Thanks also to the Border Counties Area for providing numerous helpers, bacon butties at the beginning of the day and lunch at the end.
The trial was walked up in cover crop and produced a worthy winner who had a long but worthwhile journey from Denmark and on route to victory had achieved a triple eye wipe.
1st. Drakeshead Calico, LRD, Henrik Hansen*
COM. Roundcopse Orca, LRB, Jane Tydeman
COM. Buffskin Jean Genie, LRB, Helen Chatterton**
*Winner of the Palgrave Trophy
**Winner of the Braeduke Cup for Best Yellow in the awards and the Monty Carter Memorial
Tankard for Guns’ Choice

The award winners and the judges
The award winners