URC Novice 1 trial Atheralls Farm, Fletching, East Sussex
The award Winners and judges
The first URC Novice trial was held at Atheralls Farm, Fletching, East Sussex by kind permission of Mr David Hollings and the Clatworthy Shoot and arranged by the URC Southern Area. Helena Sulley, Mark Polley, Julia Smith and Diana Stevens were the judges.

Paul Dukes with Lab dog Lubbecke Spitz
The Results
Position | Name | Sex/Breed | Handler |
1st |
Lubbecke Spitz |
Paul Dukes |
2nd |
Siusigold Kite |
GR B |
Jim Gale |
CoM * |
Deerbridge Jonah |
Jo Rawlinson |
*The Braeduke Cup for the highest placed yellow Labrador in the awards and Guns' Choice