July 4th.
Sunday 4th July and finally we were back doing what we love with our dogs.
We had our first event since early 2020, and what better place to start than in the fabulous setting of Auberies Estate with a training morning. We had five groups in total comprising three Novice groups, one puppy and one open. Despite the forecast of showers our spirits were not dampened and actually the weather pretty much was kind to us, far better than being too hot for dogs, handlers and trainers alike.
Our guest trainers were Rodger Ketley, Roy Tomlinson, Tom Lowe and Doug Laflin alongside Keith and Mike from the committee. Plenty of varied training was had by all including the opportunity to do some water retrieves. Judging from all the feedback and lovely comments received an enjoyable and very successful morning was had.
Our grateful thanks to Auberies Estate for once again allowing us to hold one of our events in their superb grounds and many, many thanks to our wonderful trainers and helpers for giving up their time on a Sunday to help everyone.