lincs Novice 16th Jan, Manton and Cleatham

The judges and award winners


The Club held its final trial of the season, a 14 dog Novice stake, on Thursday 16th January 2025 at Manton and Cleatham Shoot, Lincolnshire, by kind permission of Mr Howard Russell.

The judges were Mrs Sue Hales-Lowe, Mr Craig Horwill, Mr Casper Jonsen and Mr Jim Christon. Many thanks to them for running an excellent trial; together with Steward of the Beat, Mr Howard Russell. As our winner said in her speech, the Keeper and his beating team provided the Guns with fabulous birds for a day so late in the season. And for their support of the event, and fine shooting throughout the day, grateful thanks  to Mr Will Hales and his team. Thanks also to Sue Hales-Lowe (our URC Lincs Area Chairman), for all her work behind the scenes in advance of the trial; and to local Committee helpers on the day: Philippa Emms, Gilly Bell, David Falshaw, Jess Burrows, Joy Parker and Theresa Jonsen. Our Parent Body Committee helpers were Chief Steward Mrs Jennie Dimmock, Caron Chattwood and Stuart Allmark. Thank you to everyone for giving up your time to attend, and enable the trial to run so efficiently.


Lincs Nov Judges

The Judges

The day was sunny and dry with just a light breeze, but very cold. Two drives took place; birds were picked from a variety of different ground: thick woodland, rough white grass, gorse and deep water-filled ditches. Conditions were challenging for the dogs and handlers, and they were thoroughly tested. Five dogs completed all four rounds, and the awards were as follows:


1st The Mountain Challenge Cup was awarded to the winner: Stauntonvale Iced Bun B/O/H Laura Hill

2nd Humbershot Tweed B/O/H John Day

Certificates of Merit were awarded to:

Kenzduo Bolt and Be Bold O/H Paul Dukes

Mikamores Fahrenheit  B/O/H Louise Munchaus Adsboel

Kentwone Lemon Storm O/H Jo Rogers

The Sundials Tankard for Guns’ Choice, and the Clixby Trophy for Best Retrieve of the Day, were both awarded to Laurinco Water Lily, O/H Max Gresham, for an impressive and determined retrieve of a bird buried deep in thick brambles.

Waiting Lincs Novice

waiting for the judges

Congratulations to all those in the awards from everyone at URC; and many thanks to sponsors Skinners, for their kind donation of vouchers for the award winners.

Drive In Woods Lincs Nov

Drive the in the woods