URC Novice 3 Cubley estate 8th November 2016
The winner Sally Morewood with lab bitch Pherlotte Summer Solstice
1st Sally Morewood with lab bitch Pherlotte Summer Solstice
2nd Rachel Dawson with lab bitch Shallowbeck Bonnita of Gopsallview
3rd Peter Abbs with lab dog Greenfox Viper at Scarningvale
4th and Guns' Choice Allie Hogsbjerg with lab dog Wessex Sultan of Rufriver
COM Alan Penney with lab bitch Garrethall Riana

On the left of the group photo above is The Hon David Legh, the landowner at Cubley, who very generously donated beautiful glass tankards, engraved with the family crest, presented to the winner and Guns' Choice.