Puppy, Special Puppy, Novice Dog/Novice Handler and Young Handler June 3rd 2018

Our Puppy, Special Puppy, Novice Dog and Novice Handler and Young Handler was held on Sunday 3rd June at Knowle Farm, Bowerchalke, by kind permission of Angus and Jane Mann. 

This lovely ground provided water, woods and good ground cover for interesting tests and despite it being very warm, the day was much enjoyed by all. Many thanks to the Helpers for giving up their day to enable everyone to run their dogs, and to Jane Manley for helping on the tests and providing the catering.

The Judges on the day were Ken Green, Jane Mann, Karen Handley and Ian Noyes.




 1st   Sorrelcott Lorenzo  Lab D  Nigel Sheppard
 2nd  Packmores Teal  Lab D  Martin Bagg
 3rd  Isleofman Gin  Lab B  Vicki Rushton
 COM  Downfarm Orina  Lab B  Moira Robertson




1st Abney Arrow Lab B Dave England
2nd Bellaroyal Little Red Panda Lab B Julie Spencer
3rd Bellaroyal Tango's Legacy Lab B Isobel Whitford




1st Wintercopse Red Kite Lab D Shane King
2nd Fendoville Ava Sundae Lab B Vanessa North
3rd Top Noch Ken Lab D Kieran Green

                                         Award for Best Looking Dog in the ND/NH Awards;

                                         Wintercopse Red Kite handled by Shane King.



1st Hawksgarth Osprey Lab B Tallulah Dyson
COM Darling baby Lab D Adam Reddish