As lockdown restrictions are eased we have been planning our events to ensure that the safety and security of competitors and volunteers is of paramount importance.  Using guidance published on both the Kennel Club and the Government websites, including that our events are classified as a “…formally organised “grass-roots” activity at which numbers can be unlimited…”, the following have been our key planning parameters:

  • Key Government Dates: the key dates currently published by the Government are: 12 April; 17 May; 21 June.
  • Numbers: a “mass gathering” is currently classed as being more than 30 people and requires us to notify the relevant Local Authority of the event.
  • Risk Assessment: a Risk Assessment is required regardless of numbers; if a “mass gathering” it must be submitted to the Local Authority.

To this end we have made the following decisions:

  • Training: all training will be postponed until after 21 June 2021.  This includes both the regular evening classes and the days at Hawkers Hill.
  • Working Tests: at the current time we plan to run the Open and Novice Tests on 22 May 2021 as advertised, but numbers in each Test will be limited to 24 (a draw will be undertaken if over-subscribed).  The same applies to the Tests on 27 June 2021.

Further details are contained on the relevant pages on our website or will be notified by direct contact (email to Members).

Finally, we remain committed to securing the best Training and Working Test calendar for 2021 that we can, while remaining within the guidance, but without unnecessarily limiting or penalising our Members.  This Statement will be reviewed in the light of any updated guidance from both the Government and the Kennel Club.

Version 1 Issued 12 April 2021