Water Training day – Auberries Bulmer 24th June.

Our final training event of the year was held at the glorious Auberies estate and we again extend our thanks to the Burke family for permitting us to hold our event at these fantastic grounds. On the day, the weather matched the location and we enjoyed a full day of unbroken sunshine.

We had 32 attendees and these were split into four training groups covering puppy through to open dogs We would like to thank Jackie Smith, Tom Lowe, Mike Lawrence and Keith Foster for leading these groups, and their helpers Arthur Cook , Tessa Dent and Fred Rice for their dummy throwing and general help. Our final thanks go to Cath and Jackie for organising the day.

We started the day around 10am and continued for around two hours before breaking for some well-earned lunch and some shade. A final 1-hour session followed lunch, before tea and cake to round off the day.
The feedback received on the day was all positive with most people seeing the benefit of the morning training when they returned after lunch. The trainers were please with the progress the dogs made and in general it seemed most attendees felt their dogs had achieved beyond their expectations, which was nice to hear.
Some photos of the day are below with others on the flicker link.