
News Archive

18th March 2020



In accordance with Government guidelines and advice from the Kennel Club the URC Bucks Area Committee is agreed that all training and working tests be cancelled until further notice.




10th February 2019 - retirement of Lorne Kentish, Working Test Secretary


At the AGM on 10 February 2019, the Area Chairman, Doug Leake, presented Lorne Kentish with a hand made shepherds crook to thank her for her many years of dedicated service as Working Test Secretary


Lorne Kentish Retire Feb 2019



4th February 2018 - URC Bucks Area Progress Trophy


At the monthly training session held at Sunninghill Park, Windsor on 4th February 2018 the Area Chairman, Doug Leake, presented the Area's Progress Trophy to Kate Green who, in the opinion of the Bucks Area committee, has made the most progress in training during the past 12 months


 Progress Trophy Feb 2018 V1




Facebook page


URC Bucks Area now has a Facebook page:United Retriever Club Bucks Area Facebook



12th February 2017 - URC Bucks Area Progress Trophy and the Sir John Johnson Memorial Trophy


At the Annual General Meeting held at Flackwell Heath Community Centre  on 12th February 2017 the Committee Chairman, Doug Leake, presented the Area's Progress Trophy to Amanda Cotterell who, in the opinion of the Bucks Area committee, has made the most progress in training during the past 12 months


Area Progress Trophy Feb 2017


The chairman also presented the Sir John Johnson Memorial Trophy to Heather Walton was the highest placed URC Bucks Area member in the 2016 Area Finals hosted by hosted by Hampshire & South West Area.  


Sir John Johnson Trophy Feb 2017




Working Test Entries Using the FTMS


Entries for our working tests can in future be made using the Field Trial Management System (FTMS). The cost to members who only want to do working tests and not field trials is a modest £5.50 and once on the system members have access to all of the tests run by the clubs they belong to thereby saving on postage costs. Once on the FTMS the whole process of entering a test and paying the entry fee is much simpler but it is emphasised that using the FTMS is not compulsory and that our Working Test Secretary will still be accepting paper entries as in the past.