Latest News
22 March 2023
It is with the greatest and heartfelt sadness that the Committee of the United Retriever Club Bucks Area, announce the death of our long term Chairman, Doug Leake.
‘Dougie’ was our Chairman for some twenty years and during that time, he very rarely missed a Working Test, training day or other events that the Committee organised.
Throwing dummies, or whatever his part, he would always ensure his friendly and cheeky self were part of the day. In the early years of his role, he would be accompanied by his beloved Torsie and Kaila followed latterly, by equally adored Lexi and Nala.
His skill in ensuring all competitors at Working Tests bought raffle tickets was renowned. The draw was always held close to the Tea and Cakes Table! He truly embraced his Chairmanship with passion and fun.
We shall miss him terribly but know he will always be there with us at each event.
Doug’s funeral will be held on Thursday 13th April at 2.00 p.m. at the Chiltern Crematorium.

5 February 2023
At our Club training session on Sunday 5 February 2023, Pearl Tickell was awarded the Progress Trophy.
Photo (L to R): Bob Marcham, Doug Leake, Pearl Tickell

11 August 2022
In view of the extreme weather we have decided to postpone our Novice Dog/Novice Hander and Special Puppy Working Tests.
These will now be held on Sunday 4 September 2022 at Sunninghill near Windsor.
6 February 2022
At our Club training session on Sunday 6 February 2022, Kirsty Harris was awarded the Progress Trophy.
Photo: Doug Leake presenting Kristy with the trophy

3 November 2021
We are so looking forward to seeing many of you this Sunday 7th November.
Once again, the Committee is working towards an active Working Test season for 2022.
We have five Working Tests organised to date. Firstly, an Open Test booked at the Hall Barn Estate on 13th March, 2022 This will be followed by an Intermediate/Veteran, Open Qualifier to the URC Area Finals, Novice and Novice Dog/Novice Handler/Special Puppy. A positive and active year ahead.
The Committee of the U.R.C. Bucks is always extremely grateful for all offers of help. It is the best way to learn all things Working Tests and perhaps progressing to Field Trials.
This year, we had some sad news. Our wonderful Working Test Secretary, Sarah Meakes, is now no longer able to act as Working Test Secretary but she is remaining with us on the Committee.
We are hoping to recruit an enthusiastic member of the Bucks URC Membership to perhaps fulfil this role. No experience necessary!!! Enthusiasm for our sport is the main criteria. A friendly and helpful Committee will be there to assist. If you feel able to help in any way, or would like to know a little more of what is involved, do please chat with any of the Committee. We would really love to hear from you.
See you on Sunday.
26 July 2021
Training on Sunday 1 August 2021 will go ahead. Please note that it is now £8 per person.
23 June 2021
Training on Sunday 4 July 2021 is cancelled.
25 May 2021
Subject to Government rules being relaxed, we expect to:
- restart training on Sunday 4 July 2021
- hold a Novice Working Test on Sunday 27 June 2021, and a Novice Dog Novice Handler, Special Puppy and Veteran Working Test on Sunday 22 August 2021
16 April 2021
Subject to Government rules, we are hopeful that we will be holding the following Working Tests:
Sunday 27 June 2021 - Novice
Sunday 22 August 2021 - Novice Dog Novice Handler + Special Puppy
12 January 2021
The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the URC Bucks Area will be conducted via Zoom on Sunday 14 February 2021 at 2.00 pm.
Items for the Agenda should reach the Hon Secretary no later than 30 January 2021.
10 December 2020
Year 2020 has almost come to an end. Perhaps not a year we wish to reflect back on but we will. The year of Covid 19 and training with our dogs at the magnificent ground of Windsor, fell quiet.
The Working Tests for 2020, all planned, judges and helpers secured, fell silent in Lockdown. Nevertheless, The Committee of the U.R.C. Bucks remains committed to securing a full Working Test and Training calendar for 2021. However, as you will all appreciate, we can only follow the current Government Guidelines. We will keep you updated.
Going forward, 2021 also heralds the 75th Anniversary of the United Retriever Club. Many of you long term members, may have some archived photos, memorabilia, etc. that you may like to share as we compile some footage to celebrate this wonderful achievement of 75 years. Do please dig deep and let us all enjoy your memories (the older the better) of your time as a member of the U.R.C. Sue Berman, our Secretary, will be collating all the ‘antique’ collective material, so do please let her have your contributions no matter how small.
In the meantime, all of us on the Committee of the Bucks Area wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and we are confident that we will be able to meet together again, at our beloved Windsor to see many of you at some point in the New Year.
Take care and stay safe.