Area Finals 2019

 The winning essex team



 Hosted by the North Midlands Area the Inter-Area Working Test Finals was held on 7th July 2019 at Wharncliffe Chase, South Yorkshire. The event was generously sponsored by Alpha Dog Food and Sporting Saint. The four panel judges were Glyn Coupar, Mick Newsam, Arthur Hewer and John Yarwood. The ground is part of the Wortley shoot and consists of rolling moorland, affording challenging tests and good viewing for spectators. The nine URC areas each sent a team of three dogs, which ran in each of the tests as a team. Test 1 was a mock drive with running rabbit, three marked retrieves, and three blinds. This was judged by Mick and Arthur with a bonus for team work. Test 2, judged by John involved three marked retrieves, followed by a blind for one of the dogs which the team selected as a joker retrieve. Glyn judged Test 3, which consisted of three blind retrieves, each team deciding which dog should pick from each location. This was followed by a memory mark as another joker retrieve. After a short lunch break we moved to a different part of the shoot. John and Glyn then judged together at a walk-up on rushy moorland, eah dog in turn getting a blind to one side and a memory mark in front. Meanwhile Arthur judged a pick-up, with a team bonus as well as a score for the two dummies expected to be picked by each dog. Near a small pond two shots saluted a mark in the water and a longer mark onto the moor. Dogs were sent in turn for these in rotation. After two retrieves for each dog it was announced that there was another dummy across the pond, so the final one of the team had to complete its joker retrieve.

With eleven retrieves for each dogs, and two team bonuses there was a big spread of marks between the teams and no run-offs were required.

A buffet meal followed at a local Community Hall, with a large display of raffle prizes, trophies and generous amounts of Alpha dog food.



Place     Team                     Total      Dog 1     Dog 2     Dog 3     Bonus

1st           Essex                     635         205         196         206         28

2nd          Southern             625         204         184         209         28

3rd           N.Midlands         580         202         180         173         25

4th           Hants & SW        572         160         188         186         38

5th           Northern             568         181         197         175         15

6th           Bucks                    557         182         184         170         21

7th           Midlands             552         165         191         176         20

8th           BCC                        550         190         162         174         24

9th           Lincs                      412         144         141         103         24


Top Dog               Robert Smallman’s Lab dog HELNORALL MAGNUM

Runner Up          Jim Collins’ Lab dog BROCKAGHS FORBA

Best Newcomer Andrew Wright’s Golden Ret. Dog WADESMILL KITE

For the highest placed member of the host Area,  Russell Hodgen's Lab bitch Roselea Zara