Area Finals 2018

The Winning Team, Border Counties and Cotswold Area



on Sunday 8th July 2018

 at the Cottesbrooke Estate , Northamptonshire. NN6 8PE

by kind permission of Alastair Macdonald-Buchanan Esq.

Area Finals Picjpg

 The URC Midland Area hosted the 2018 Area Finals which was held on the Cottesbrooke Estate in Northamptonshire by kind permission of Alistair Macdonald-Buchanan. The Midland Area has held events and training classes on this beautiful estate for 35 years and is extremely grateful for the support received from 3 generations of the family in this time.

 The judges for the day were Tony Parnell, Phil Bruton, Jennie Hankey, Lisa Harris and Charlotte Jeffrey who each judged 1 test. The tests had been set by Steve Newitt and Dave Probert, but Dave unfortunately developed some health problems and Pete Goddard stepped in to work with Steve.

 It was another very hot day but with all the trees in the Park there was lots of shade and water points were provided at every test and in the car park. Likewise there were drinks for handlers and helpers on arrival and during a short break in the morning.

 The Midland Area would like to say a big thank you to all the fantastic helpers, and there were lots of them who acted as throwers, placers, stewards. guides, scorers, catering hands, and general assistants, on the day before/on the actual day and clearing up at the end, they were all without exception so cheerful and helpful and made a brilliant team.  


Nine teams of 3 dogs represented the nine URC Areas and worked their way round the tests.

Test 1 was a walk up with marks and blinds in front and behind interrupted by a bolting rabbit         

          which proved too tempting for some dogs.

Test 2 had simultaneous marks with blinds placed on the edge of the bay of the big lake.

          dog 1 to pick the first mark, dog 2 the first blind, dog 3 the second mark, dog 1 the 

          second blind as so on.

Test 3 was a picking up exercise in an area of beech woodland

Test 4 took place across an area of parkland to an unfenced spinney, marks were thrown to

          the left and right of the spinney with blinds in the spinney itself. The ground was very 

          deceiving as it dropped away giving a false horizon to the dogs who could only see the  

          dummies in the air, and nor could they see where the previous dog had picked its


Test 5 was marks including across the Lady’s Lake where the dog had a deep gullied stream 

          to cross out of sight of the handler before reaching the lake.


When all the teams had completed the tests everybody moved half a mile down the road to a group of barns where tables and straw bales had been set out to seat guests and helpers for a pig roast, followed by a large selection of homemade cakes thanks again to our great cooks. This made an ideal setting and with the weather as it was, much less stuffy than packing into the village hall, which had been our original thought.  


Alistair Macdonald-Buchanan presented the awards which were

 The Team Event

1st Border Counties and Cotswold.

    The Windbreak Whisperer of Arcklebear Miss C.Baker, Millerise Leo at Lyanmoreshot Mrs.J.Dimmock.  Hollowbrook Saker       Mr.N.Jordan


2nd Hampshire & SW

     Autumn Willow Tag Ken Green, Lenyam Just In Time Jane Manley, Lubbecke Simone Gillian Yates


3rd  Essex

      Birdsgreen Eclipse of Highroost Rodger Ketley, Birdbrook Wisp Sue Searle, Brockaghs Forba Jim Collins


4th  Southern

      Mitforton Orchid at Kirbyhall Ms Hilly Hoar. Helnorall Magnum Mr.R.Smallman, Mitforton O’Lordie Lordy Mrs.Gay Marshall


The Atherbram Cup (highest individual),       Lubbecke Simone; Gillian Yates


The Shooting Times Trophy (individual runner-up),      Helnorall Magnum; Mr.R.Smallman


The Froud Trophy (highest placed newcomer),       Birdbrook Wis;p Sue Searle.

The Casleton Trophy (for the highest placed member of the host Area),  Sandra Braithwaite with Stauntonvale Irish Sea


Area Final 2018

 The individual winner Lubbecke Simone; Gillian Yates

Area Final Hosts 2018

Our Judges


Thank you to our sponsors.

      Maurice Fitch Treeworks



Westaway Skinners


Hey Sp Saint