URC Open Show Wednesday 14th April 2021, Malvern,
Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show
Best in Show; Labrador Naiken Elite Envoy (AI) JW Ir Jun CH owned by Mr, Mrs & Miss Hodge
Reserve Best in Show; Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Cretshengen Emerald Lake owned by Mr & Mrs Wakely
Best Puppy in Show; Golden Retriever Lalique Lord of the Rings owned by Mr G Copley
Reserve Best Puppy in Show; Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Erikachen Tadgh at Rivacre owned by Miss R
Best Veteran in Show; Labrador Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoakar ShCM VW owned by Mr & Mrs Bambrook
Reserve Best Veteran in Show; Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Riverwatcher Nukilik owned by Mr & Mrs
Photos taken by Roy Edwards (Our Dogs)

The principal winners - BIS, RBIS, BVIS, RBVIS, BPIS, RBPIS

BIS, RBIS and Best Veteran in Show

BIS, RBIS, BVIS and Best Puppy in Show

The URC Show Committee