Tuesday 29 June, 2021




AGM NOTICE for Sunday 23rd March 2025

 Annual Meeting Notice  – Resolutions for the agenda must be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary in writing not less than 21 days prior to the meeting.

All officers except the Field Trial Secretary and Show Secretary retire annually.

The Show Secretary and Field Trial Secretary are elected for a three year term, the Show Secretary is due for re-election tin 2027.

The Field Trial Secretary is due for re-election in 2025.

Nominations for office in any capacity must be made in writing to the General Secretary at least 21 days before the Annual Meeting, giving the name of the nominee, together with the signatures of the proposer and seconder and consent of the nominee to act if elected. Agenda & Balance Sheet will be available by request, from the General Secretary or Treasurer not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting.

Founders Trophy

Please put in a claim for the Founders Trophy. Don’t think that you have to have fantastic results in both show and working spheres. A show dog with a working test award can win, as can a field trial dog with a show award, so field triallers enter the FT class at any show and show folk have a go at a Novice Dog/Novice Handler Working Test, you never know you could win our most prestigious award.

 The trophy is awarded annually at the club’s AGM to the retriever gaining the highest aggregate points in both the Show and Working disciplines.

Field trials:                       1st = 10, 2nd = 8, 3rd – 6, 4th = 4, COM = 2

Working Tests /Ch Shows     1st – 3, 2nd – 2, 3rd – 1.

Open Shows:                      lst = 1 (all classes).

Points are calculated for events between 1st February 2024 and 31st January 2025.   Entries should be sent to Mrs Jennie Dimmock, Hon General Secretary, at least 10 days before the AGM.

Entries should be sent to Mrs J Dimmock, Hon Secretary 10 days before the AGM which will be held on 23rd  March2025