Good-Novice/Open Test @ Crowborough Ploughing Match 27/9/2023

Good-Novice/Open @ C'boro PM Cansiron Farm 27/9/2023

URC Southern Area on Wednesday 27th September 2023 were invited by the Crowborough Ploughing Match Society to hold an Unclassified Test for Good-Novice/Open dogs at Cansiron Farm, Hartfield. This was judged today by Mr David Breach.

Always a delightful test to watch, we have spectators at the Match who come over to watch us, being introduced to the world of gundog tests, an excellent showcase for our sport. 

Considering the forecast, we were lucky today with dry weather and only a mild breeze with a cloud covering which was just right for the dogs to work under and rest in cars. There were exercises in the morning of marks and blinds, with the final test set across the fresh plough after the ploughing competition judging had finished – very challenging for some of the younger dogs who hadn’t experienced anything like that before. We never quite know which ground we will be able to use on the farm and this year we were placed alongside an enormous engine whose hooter scared both dogs and humans. Quite an ordeal for some.


After an exciting run-off for 1st place, the results were:

1st Penny Morris’s Lab (B) Beetle of Buckmotts

2nd Janet McIlwraith’s G/R (B) Tullysedge Elsa’s Gold

3rd Colin Coley’s Lab (B) Bizzy Lucy

4th Jon Debnam’s G/R (B) Tullysedge Lone Star

Well done the bitches!

Two COM’s were awarded to:

David Tyrell’s Lab (D) Hillscroft Seiko

Nick Patsias’s Lab (D) Blue Mist Of Hillside