Intermediate Cold Game 2nd February 2020

Intermediate Cold Game at Renby Farm on 3rd Feb 2019

Results of the URC Southern Area’s Intermediate Cold Game Test on 2nd February 2020 

held at Renby Farm, Crowborough, E.Sx, by kind permission of Mr Paul Aisher who joined us with his wife to present the prizes.

Judged by:  Mrs Diana Harrison & Mrs Julia Smith


1st        Harriet Newcombe’s Lab (D) Riverlily Sunny Sunshine

2nd       Nicola Grainge’s Lab (D) Barweston Nimbus

3rd        Sarah Winter’s G/R (D) Gospelash Hot Eddie of Philchris

4th        Carly Madgwick’s Lab (D) Mitforton Quarrel


This test was organised to replicate a shooting day as far as possible but with cold game.  Most of the exercises were blind retrieves of pheasant, partridge and duck, placed where the birds would normally run and hide on this shoot, or where the Gun would say that a runner had disappeared in an area which they couldn’t locate.  


The dogs showed the bitches the way it was done today but considering most of them were picking up live game the previous week, even the day before for some, they all did extremely well on the different varieties of cold game.


After a poor showing last year of Southern members at this test, this year was better supported with a full card and reserves, which was much more pleasing.  We of course welcomed our members from other Areas too, who had travelled a long way to participate in this unique test, and who also featured in the awards making their journey worthwhile.


2020 CG 1St