See the Activities page for details of all training sessions, working tests and directions to venues
Notice of Annual General Meeting and Luncheon
The Area AGM will be held on Sunday 9th February 2024 at Niagara Social Club, Sheffield S6 1LU. Turn off A61 Penistone Road North at traffic lights near Burger King & Sainsbury’s, into Clay Wheels Lane, then left by car wash into Beeley Wood Rd & right into Niagara Rd, then through gates into car park.
Three course meal. Order by 31st Jan with Anne Crookes (01142301436) or Payment required in advance, cheques to URC NM.
Meet 12.00pm for lunch at 12.30pm. AGM from 2pm. Propositions, Items for the Agenda and Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Hon.Sec at least 14 days in advance. The committee is limited to 15 members. The 3 officers and 10 committee members are willing to stand again. Mr M Hurst has been nominated by CJ Gretton and seconded by A Richardson and Mr G Ellison has been nominated by S Ford and seconded by Mrs E Whittaker. Any further nominations are invited in writing with the consent of the nominee and signed by proposer and seconder. If there are more nominations than there are places, then election will be by ballot of members present. Mrs E Whittaker has resigned as Hons Sec with Mr S Ford standing as Acting Hons Sec until the AGM.
Annual Trophies: The Tripwire shield is presented to the handler of the dog making most progress at training classes during the year. Other awards are The Enterprise Trophy, The Area Finals Tankard. The Gplden Jubilee Trophy, The Monty Carter Memorial Trophy to the Area Member’s dog which scores the highest points total in trials and tests during the year ended 31st January. The dog must have been placed in one of our Area Tests and in any Field Trial. Points are awarded as follows:- 1st=5 pts, 2nd=4pts, 3rd=3pts, 4th=2pts, CoM=1pt. Claims for the Monty Carter Trophy to the Hon.Sec. in writing prior to the AGM.