Area Finals 2022

Congratulations to our team of Jim Collins, Paul Wheeler and Mike Lawrence who took 3rd Place at the Area Finals hosted by the Northern Area this year.

Jim Collins also came 2nd place overall 

Jim was running FtCh Brockaghs Forba LRD 

Paul was running Willowrise Star Spinner LRD 

Mike was running Brockaghs Fianait LRB

All had run in the Open Qualifier Working Test back in April at Chigborough.


AF Team 2022

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AF Team 2022 Jim Collins 2Nd Place



After the unfortunate 2 year postponement the Northern Area were eventually able to host the Area Finals on the last weekend in June

Our team of Jim Collins, Paul Wheeler and Mike Lawrence took the long road north to the Lake District to represent the area and met at the venue in what apparently is typical Lakeland weather for June, blustery wind, heavy showers and the occasional glimpse of the sun.  The ground at Winster above Windermere is incredible, a mix of huge rocky outcrops, steep valleys, thick bracken, scrubby areas of marsh and a lily covered lake, you couldn’t wish for a better place to train and compete with your dog.

After parking up and sorting our waterproofs we were welcomed by the organisers and the format of the day was explained, there were to be 8 exercises, 4 before lunch and 4 after, for each team spread over the ground, luckily the Northern Area had arranged for a steward to accompany each team to guide us to each test, and we all headed off to our first exercise.

To describe each test in detail would take far too long but generally they consisted of a mixture of marks, memories and blinds with all 3 dogs sat up and the judge nominating which dog was to take which retrieve, there were a couple that each dog attempted separately, a blind across the lake with no shot and a mark after a cunning distraction. Every exercise used the terrain, cover and distance to really test the dogs which is how it should be, after all it is the Finals!, we would struggle to replicate any of these tests down here in East Anglia and the Northern Area obviously put a lot of thought into them, it makes you realise what our dogs really are capable of.

The organisation by the Northern Area was faultless, the day ran smoothly with no hold ups or long waits, and there was a great atmosphere amongst the teams, all in all a very friendly day.

With competition over by around 3.00pm everybody headed off to a local pub, which had been closed for us for the afternoon for a buffet, raffle and the presentations made by Iris Wright, URC President.

Our thanks to the four judges  who stood out in the rain for us all day, all the throwers, stewards, helpers and other teams but in particular to the committee of the Northern Area who have worked so hard over the last two years to make sure the day could happen.