1st Naughtland Popcorn LRB Handler: Andy Ince winning Sagadawn Cup
2nd Pigeonman Belle Starr LRB Handler: Mari Jackson winning Flightline Cup
3rd Winners Avenue of Sirenbirch LRB Handler: Roy Jarman winning Crosspath Cup
4th Garrethall Thorin LRD Handler: Ian Nichols
CoM Birdbrook Haste of Sandhard LRB Handler: Carol Ford
CoM Kentwone Opal Luster LRB Handler: Arthur Cook
Com Ashport Pennylane of Heronfen LRB Handler: Georgina Bryant
1st Surprise Is Golden LRB Handler: Andy Ince winning the Essex Area Spring Cup
2nd Brockaghs Fianait LRB Handler: Mike Lawrence
3rd Brockaghs Eann LRD Handler: Paul Cooper
4th Macmillane Spar Lad LRD Handler: Tracey Crowe
Special Puppy Sadly no awards presented
Judges Choice for the Ron Bendall Trophy was won by Special Puppy Teywillow Queen Bee owned and handled by Geoff Allen
We were once again welcomed back to the stunning Auberies Estate at Bulmer by very kind invitation of the Burke family who continue to allow us back to make use of this wonderful ground.
This was our first Special Puppy/Novice/Veteran Working Test for this year.
We are kindly sponsored by Skinner’s Dog Foods who supplied vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Our judges for the day were Graham Stanley, Mick Elsey, Jackie Smith and Lesley Crompton who we thank for kindly giving up their day to judge for us. Also thank you to our committee who do a wonderful job and big thanks to all our other non- committee helpers Gordon, David, Frank, Vince, Dennis, Ginny, Amanda, Lou, Sue and Julie as these days would not happen without you, also Lizzie for the photos.
Roy was our steward and set four different tests making use of the various terrains.
Test 1 judged by Lesley, was a short one dog walk-up with a shout for the handler to turn the dog before a shot was fired and the dummy thrown into the lake. There was then a blind retrieve in front along the hedge line, this was the first retrieve for Novice and Veteran making the mark a memory, but the Special Puppies collected the mark first.
Test 2 was a double mark memory judged by Mick, very similar retrieves for all classes just distance and the order they were collected was the difference. The marks with shots were thrown from the top of the bank into some rough cover, but the dogs had to negotiate long grass and cross a ditch to go up the bank into the area.
Test 3 was again a double mark with the second becoming a memory, the dummies were thrown from the top of the hill and were good high throws to give the handler and hopefully the dogs opportunity to get a good mark on the area of the fall, Graham judged this test. Again it was tweaked for the Special Puppies.
Jackie was judging Test 4 and this was a hunt up in a bit of a wooded area with ground elder and a few brambles, there were three dummies out at a time and any two to be retrieved, the Special Puppies had a shot but Novice and Veteran were sent without any shot.
There were mixed fortunes throughout the day with failures on different tests, and sadly we had no winner in the Special Puppy class. Hopefully there were positives taken where handlers did succeed on parts of the tests and know what weaknesses they need to work on going forward.
The day stayed dry for us (yet again!) and was cloudy off and on which kept the temperature comfortable for the dogs although us two legged folk were happier to have a bit of sun to warm us!
We finished with the raffle and customary tea & cake before the awards, which were presented by Mrs Burke.