Working Test Training Day

July 2nd Bosco Camp-Aldham.

DSCN1851DSCN1852DSCN187320170703 150210Working Test Training Day at Bosco Camp Aldham  2nd July 2017


Our additional event for this year was a Working Test Training Day, primarily aimed at newcomers to the sport.  The idea of the day was to give an insight into how the Working Test is run including the format of the day, things to take into consideration when running in a test and what the judges are looking for.


The Bosco Camp was the perfect venue for our Training Day, and we are very grateful to the St Vincent de Paul Society for allowing us to use the grounds again.


It was a very fine day weather wise and we started with a cuppa and bacon roll!  Tom then gave an introductory talk about the way Working Tests are run, from arriving at the ground and the general rules and etiquette.  All the participants received a current copy of the KC J Regs, and Tom highlighted some of the important points including information on Field Trials.


Cath then explained the role of the Working Test Secretary, and went through the Working Test entry form, explaining the importance of sending in clear and legible entries.  There then followed a question and answer session with many relevant points being discussed.


Our four advisors for the day were Liz Ingram, Peter Lamb, Doug Laflin and Mike Lawrence.  Four different exercises were set to show likely scenarios in a Working Test.  There was a split into four groups, who all stayed together to complete each exercise with each advisor allowing for questions and discussions throughout the day at each exercise.


The exercises comprised a walk-up with marks in front and behind the line, concentrating on heel-work, steadiness and the ability to be able to turn the dog.

There was a water exercise, with a mark into the water with a shot, where the dogs had to enter the water at an angle.

An exercise to test the dogs jumping ability was a mark and then an unseen retrieve over a fence (either with or without shot depending on the dog).

The fourth exercise was another unseen in an area close to cover which made good use of the ground to be able to highlight several “bunkers” to catch both handler and dog out in a test situation.


After three exercises were completed Tom catered for everyone with an excellent lunch, and then everyone did their final exercise before the day ended with the customary cup of tea and cake!.


It was an enjoyable very relaxed day and the feedback has been very positive on an informative and constructive day.


Our thanks go to our two guest advisors and the non committee helpers for giving up their Sunday to ensure a good day was had by all.