Special Puppy, Novice and Veteran 9th April.

Culverdown Great Henny


Special Puppy






Stagridge William 


Anthony Peters


Catcombe Cygnet


Lesley Crompton


Birdsgreen Conspiracy 


Rodger Ketley


Broadlaw Quigley of Oysterbed

 LR D    

Gary Vidler


Fletchingly Iosaigh 


Jeanette Wakelin







Brockaghs Forba 


Jim Collins 


Spiralline Fiano 


Lindsay Hudson 


Copperwheat Eccles


John Shirley


Darting Black Spinner 

 LR D   

Alasdair Lamprell


Surprise is Golden 

 LR B 

Andy Ince 







Garrethall Ouka


Liz Ingram


Garrathall Myrhh


Liz Ingram


Gunnerheath Amethyst 

 LR B 

Brian Chesser


Brockaghs Cathal 


Sue Palmer


Overthwarts Olive 

 LR B 

Mark Schiller


Judges Choice for the Ron Bendall Trophy won by Jim Collins with Brockaghs Forba 


Best Golden Retriever for the Marberry Shield won by Lesley Crompton with Catcombe Cygnet


A good day was had by all and at lovely grounds by very kind invitation of Mike Scales.  Weather too was just perfect.  There were four good tests set by the Steward of the day, Tom Lowe and our judges were, Roger Wade, Ron Jeffries, Josefine van der Dussen and Alan Ward.

A good standard of dogs, proved by the scores, with the winners only one or two points away from a full house. 

Our thanks for all the helpers that turned out to make the day a success.  Our thanks too to our sponsors Masters Dog Foods and also to  Sporting Saint for supplying additional prizes for those in the awards.


Full report

Special Puppy/Novice and Veteran Working Test

Sunday 9th April 2017


Driving  along the A12 towards the location of our first Working Test of the year, it is hard to believe that the Shooting Season is over and our Spring and Summer activities are about to begin. The Sun is shining the venue is new but the postcode takes me to the area and the Club signs do the rest.

The Steward Tom Lowe and his team had prepared four tests, the Dogs and Handlers are given their groups,   and the Judges are ready.  The Day begins.


Test I - Judge Mr Roger Wade

This Tests consists of two retrieves one seen to shot and a blind.

The seen is a long retrieve from one hill with a valley between to another hill.  The blind is in the valley with a post indicating the area.

Test 2 – Judge Ms Josefine van der Dussen

This test is a Walk-up with two dogs.  

The competitors walked about 30 paces a shot fired and a dummy thrown in front of the line.  The first Dog asked to retrieve.  After another 15 paces a shot fired and dummy thrown and the second dog asked to retrieve.   The same format is followed with the 3rd and 4th dummies being thrown behind the line.

Test 3 – Judge Mr Alan Ward

This test consisted of two retrieves.  One seen to shot and a blind in the same area.  The blind being thrown after the dog had retrieved the seen.  The retrieves were around 100 yds with a jump.

Test 4 – Judge Mr Ron Jeffrey

This test was based on a picking-up area following a drive.  There was no shot and three blind retrieves were place in a field in front of a coppice. The Dogs were asked to retrieve two dummies.


At around 12.30 there was a break for lunch and the day finished at around 3 o’clock.

The weather had not disappointed, and a well earned drink for the dogs and tea and cakes for the Handlers was most welcome.

Following the raffle it was time for the presentations.  These were made by Mr. Mike Scales who was our host.

Special Puppy

1st Owner/Handler Anthony Peters with his Dog Stagridge William who received the Marshland Cup

2nd Owner/Handler Lesley Crompton with her dog Catcombe Cygnet who received the Fobbingacre Trophy

There had been a run-off for 3rd and 4th places

3rd Owner/handler Roger Ketley with his Dog Birdsgreen Conspiracy

4th Owner/handler Gary Vidler with his Dog Broadlaw Quigley of Oysterbed

A Certificate of Merit was awarded to Owner/Handler Jeanette Wakelin with her Dog Fletchingly Iosaigh.


In the Novice Class there was a clear winner, who only lost one point over the day.

1st Owner/Handler Jim Collins with his Dog Brockaghs Forba who received the Sagadown Cup.

2nd Owner/Handler Lindsay Hudson with her Dog Spiralling Fiano who received the Flightline Cup.

There was a run-off for 3rd and 4th places

3rd Owner Handler Jon Shirley with his Dog Copperwheat Eccles who received the Crosspath Cup

4th Owner/Handler Alasdair Lamprell with his Dog Darting Black Spinner

The Judges awarded a Certificate of Merit to Andy Ince with his Dog Surprise is Golden


1st Owner /Handler Liz Ingram with her Dog Garrethall Ouka who received the Area Spring Trophy

2nd Owner/Handler Liz Ingram with her Dog Garrethall Myrhh

3rd Owners Mr & Mrs Chesser Handler Brian Chesser with their Dog Gunnerheath Amethyst

4th Owner Jim Collins Handler Sue Palmer with their Dog Brockaghs Cathal

The Judges awarded a Certificate of Merit to Mark Schiller and His Dog Overthwarts Oliver

In additon to the above, the award for the best Golden Retriever and the Marberry Cup went to Lesley Crompton and her Dog Catcombe Cygnet.

The Judges Choice and the Ron Bendall Trophy was awarded to Jim Collins.

Following the Presentations Jim Collins thanked the Judges and the Committee for their hard work.   

In conclusion, our thanks must go to Mike Scales for letting us use his lovely location and for his involvement throughout the day.

Till next time

Valerie Stanton