Open Sugar Beet 21st August

Park Farm Assington

1st   Birdsgreen Moses of Rowansbourene       LRD    Alan Ward

2nd  Malshinga Bhutan                               LRD    Arthur Cook

3rd   Birdsgreen Slipstream                         LRD    Sara Gadd

4th   Spiralline Fiano                                  LRB    Lindsay Hudson

CoM  Brockaghs Dervla                               LRB    Jim Collins


Best Essex Entry for the Royanne Cup was awarded to the winnner Alan Ward with Birdsgreen Moses of Rowansbourne

Judges Choice for the Oysterbed Cup was awarded to Lindsay Hudson with Spiralline Fiano



As a new member of the Committee I feel honoured to be asked to write the report for our final event of the Year. Where has the year gone; hopefully enjoying life and keeping-up the training of our Dogs.

On Sunday morning driving along the A12 in heavy rain and dark clouds I was not hopeful about the weather. However, the skies brightened-up and gave us a dry and ideal day, not too hot and a breeze rather than the strong winds of the previous day.

Judges, Competitors and helpers all arrived in good time for the day to begin. Following the formalities the Test began at around 9.30am. There were 27 entries to be judged by Phil Askew and Gary Vidler. The Stewards for the day were Tom Lowe and John Cameron.

The first test was a walk-up. The Dogs were asked to retrieve a mark in front and one behind the line. The second round was to simulate a mini drive on stubble, the dogs remaining in the field of sugar beet. The bird to be picked was nominated;(a blind on the stubble) a distraction was added in the form of gunshots and a few dummies thrown in an adjoining location. Most of the dogs succeeded in both exercises.

The third test of the morning was a four dog walk-up with a gun situated at both ends of the line. The dogs were asked to retrieve down the line. Some dogs found this a little more difficult, but most succeeded.

Thank goodness for lunch.

The fourth test after lunch was a four dog walk-up. A gun at each end of the line. There was a shot fired for a long mark another shot fired and a dummy dropped in front of the dogs in line as a memory.

At the end of this test the marks were added-up and a run-off was deemed necessary for 1st and 4th places.

After the raffle was drawn the important part of the day commenced. The Open Sugar Beet Working Test winners were announced and presented with their prizes. In conclusion this was a most enjoyable day and our thanks must go to Fiona and Richard Brooks for giving URC the use of their lovely farm, the Judges Phil Askew and Gary Vidler, Tom Lowe and his Stewarding mastery, the cake makers and all the helpers.

Valerie Stanton