Working Test Training Auberies 19th June 2022


We were welcomed back to the stunning Auberies Estate for a working test training morning, aimed particularly for Novice handlers to gain an understanding of what to expect on a Working Test.  That said we had a few people come along as a refresher along with one or two experienced handlers that wanted to make use of the test scenarios for young inexperienced dogs.

We were very privileged to have four panel judges, Glynis Hillier, Rodger Ketley, Dave Barnes and Peter Abbs as our trainers, and each group of trainees stayed with their trainer.  Roy had set up five different “tests” which the groups did in rotation and included various exercises that they would expect to find in a working test.  These included long double marks, marks over ditches, unseen, memory marks and water retrieve.

The day started with a cuppa and pastries or donuts and an introduction to Working Tests which explained about filling in the entry form to the general etiquette expected at tests.  The idea of the morning was to be informative but in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

The weather was perfect being dry but not too hot. 

The morning was a great success, and we received great feedback, from the trainees and also from our trainers.  Some of the trainees now have the confidence to enter our next working test which is great to hear and credit to our trainers that they now feel ready to try a test.

We are very grateful to our four lovely judges that kindly gave up their Sunday to offer invaluable advice and guidance to the trainees.  Our thanks also to the Burke family for allowing us use of their grounds, and it was lovely that Mrs Burke joined us and spent time watching the exercises.


Good luck to all our trainees for competitions either later this year or next.190622 Auberies WT Training IV


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