Veteran Test on 19th August 2018 at Popes Oak Farm, West Grinstead
The Veteran Test was run on the same day as the ND/NH at Popes Oak Farm by kind permission of Mrs Sheila Chessell
Judged by: Ms Mel Brooks, Mrs Jo Voke & Mr Francis Hlisnikowski
1st Fiona Milne's Lab (B) Burntcoombe Buffy
then a run off produced:
2nd Jon Debnam's G/R (B) Lilleburne Colne Point Peg
3rd Jenny Parker's Lab (B) Tayfordwoods Glind of Birchstead
I can't thank enough all our volunteer helpers today who made it easy for me to set tests without worrying about who I was going to get to throw/place dummies. You were much appreciated, both old and new. Thank you.
As I have said before, how lovely to watch opposite ends of the spectrum working today. The ND/NHs' Dogs ready to test their training procedures and raring to go, with their very nervous Handlers, then the old timers (four legged and two) hoppity skipping along just loving their day out alone with the master/mistress.
Most enjoyable day.